IKAR™ HWPB Webbing block

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The HWPB series from IKAR™ contains lightweight composite blocks and is a good choice where a lightweight block is required that will not sit in an aggressive environment. The block is approved for factor 2 cases. The block has a swivel that prevents the strap from twisting and thanks to its replaceable components, the block has an unlimited service life. The block is delivered without an attachment carabiner.

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Technical specification

Weight:1.2 - 4.8 kg
Material:Composite plastic, Dyneema
Standards:CE EN361:2002
Lifespan:Unlimited with authorised inspection/service.
Inspection intervals:12 months.
Max. load:136 kg
Length:3,5 - 15 m
Working temperature:-40°C / +50°C
Number of users:1
Gate opening:27 mm
Minimum working height:Factor 0: 2 m Factor 2: 4 m