SEAL PAC LIGHT TO GO, is an accessory for MILAN 2.0 POWER rescue hubSEAL PAC LIGHT TO GO, is an accessory for the MILAN 2.0 POWER Rescue Hub. This is a vacuum packed, sealed and padded DRYBAG. It can only be ordered together with MILAN 2.0 Power, it must be vacuum packed by the manufacturer. Rescue devices (including unused ones) must be inspected at least annually. The inspection is simplified with Seal pac light to go. An authorised inspector opens the bag and checks the moisture indicator on the bag. If it is in perfect condition, the inspector reseals and reseals the bag. This simplifies the annual inspection. The normal lifetime of the Seal pac light to go is 15 years and can be extended once for another 15 years after service by the manufacturer. This corresponds to a total lifetime of up to 30 years, assuming the device is not used. Weight: 2,18 kg